Outrigger Global LLC


My Background

I spent seven of my formative years living in the South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea. (That’s me on the right at about 8 years old, ready to board yet another airplane!) This began my love of international travel and adventure. As a high school and college student in rural and small town Ohio, I looked longingly into the sky every time a plane flew overhead. As you can imagine, I was beyond excited when I got the opportunity to live short term in central Asia!

Excited, that is, until I got over there and discovered fears that froze me and held me prisoner in my apartment. Not knowing the local language combined with the lack of security in my neighborhood, and the feeling of isolation and loneliness, I wanted to run back  home to the familiar. But, through the encouragement of others surrounding me, I found a Strength living inside me and I stuck it out. In the end, those six months turned out to be one of the most incredible, life-changing experiences I have ever had!

My Passion

Years later, I had the opportunity to work with the children of international workers (TCKs), helping them understand their identities and walking them through many life-altering transitions. After thirteen years serving in the TCK/expat field, my passion for helping internationally mobile families navigate the transitions they faced led me to my calling as a life coach.

If you are a part of a globally mobile family, an adult TCK, someone who is in the beginning stages of working in the TCK field, or has an interest in being coached in another area, I would love to talk with you about how I can come alongside you in this adventure we call life.

My Credentials

I am a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the leading global organization for coaches and coaching. ICF is
dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals. (https://coachingfederation.org/about)

I earned my ACC credential by completing a minimum of 60 hours of coach-specific training through an ICF-approved program, received 10 hours of mentor coaching, have at least 100 hours of coaching experience, passed a performance evaluation, and successfully passed the Coach Knowledge Assessment as required. To maintain my credential, I will continue to receive training and mentoring.

To view more specific information about my ICF membership or my ACC credentials, click on the badges above.