Outrigger Global LLC

Are you facing a decision that looms on the near horizon?

You know you need to do something...

  • Did you grow up overseas and now feel stuck and unsure about your next steps?
  • Are you preparing to move overseas but fear the unknown?
  • Are you wondering how to make progress towards your goals and dreams?
  • Do you see others moving forward on their path while you sit on the sidelines?

How May I Help You?

As someone who has lived overseas and traveled to different countries for work and pleasure, I can come alongside you in the adventure of choices and self-discovery. As a life coach, my desire is to bring you hope, encouragement, and motivation in the midst of transition.


Globally Mobile Families

Are you and your family dealing with the challenges that come from making a move overseas? Is it a struggle to daily interact with the culture that now surrounds you? Do you want someone to walk alongside you as you navigate your new normal?


Adult TCKs

Did you grow up overseas? Are you feeling stuck and unsure how to make your way forward to your goals and dreams?Would you like a coach to walk with you through the decisions you need to make, both long and short term?


TCK Caregivers

Are you starting out on the journey of caring for Third Culture Kids? Are you feeling overwhelmed and alone? Would you benefit from processing the myriad of "next steps" with someone who has been there?

Why Outrigger Global?

Have you ever been in a conoe in open, rough waters? As waves crash over the side of your narrow boat, you need to find where it’s best to kneel to keep the hull balanced. It’s also vital to hit the waves at the correct angle or the next large wave may swamp you. If you are a novice, it’s terrifying. (I know this from personal experience…)

Coastal communities around the world have an answer to these issues. The outrigger – an ancient innovation – is a float attached off to the side of a canoe. The outrigger allows the canoe to move forward faster and smoother in rough ocean waters.

As a coach, my goal is to be the outrigger to your life’s canoe. I’m not here to control your direction, decisions, or outcomes. You have a lifetime of experience, knowledge, skills, and imagination. My job is to assist you in accessing those resources, deciding where you want to go, and creating attainable action steps. You are the expert on your life – I just come alongside to assist you as you navigate your life.

Having grown up and traveled overseas, I bring a unique perspective to the process of life coaching.